
Benna Berger Piece of Peace Club

One of our ambassadors, Benna Berger, has started to help raise awareness about Piece of Peace by not only starting a club at her school and reaching out with this program in the community but also had a healthy bake sale the other week to encourage her peers to eat healthier! She had fun, easy to make, healthy treats such as yogurt bowls, banana muffins, zucchini muffins and more! She was able to raise money for our non-profit which will then help provide healthy snacks and yoga mats for underprivileged kids!

See Benna’s full bio to know more about her!

Jackie BrennerBenna Berger Piece of Peace Club
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Alliance of a Healthier Generation

Alliance of a Healthier Generation is an amazing company that helps to raise awareness about nutrition! Jackie Brenner the president of Piece of Peace is a representative for the board as an alliance, starting to help encourage kids through their program to live healthier lives! Visit the link below to see some summer tips that they just put up, including a tip from Jackie Brenner!

8 Summer Health Tips from Alliance All Stars


Jackie BrennerAlliance of a Healthier Generation
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Flying Lizard

We were able to Partner with the store Flying Lizard and they are currently selling our T-Shirts. 100% of the proceeds go to Piece of Peace, which is incredible! Go to the store in Boca Raton Florida and support the cause! We love people that help us make our vision a reality and help us make a bigger impact in our community! We look forward to working with them in the future with more events to spread the word about nutrition, yoga, wellness and living a positive healthy life!

Jackie BrennerFlying Lizard
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